Lesson Plan Archive
This archive was constructed by the outstanding teaching staff at Walnut Grove Secondary. Use these resources to develop new lesson plans or as inspiration for new ways to approach teaching!
Classroom Resources
Study Zone
Book Club
Assignment Hacks
So your teacher has asked you to create a presentation for your next assignment.
Where do you start? How do you make your project stand out and be original?
Here are some Tips, Tutorials, and Tools to help you with your project!
Research Tips
Research Tips
Beyond Google
Websites and search engines recommended for locating quality information
Googlitis: is an affliction that stalks students and adults who rely on this search engine wholeheartedly and fail to question how it generates results! - Alan November
When we begin to look for information, our first stop is usually a search engine such as Google. Just don't rely too heavily on the list of search-engine generated results, which are not ranked by relevance. Be sure to locate your information from a variety of sources. It is good to keep in mind that there are other places that you can find information that are free to use and easy to access. Below are some other great search engines and other websites where you can also find quality information.
Plagiarism: ...The "wrongful appropriation" and "stealing and publication" of another author's "language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions" and the representation of them as one's own original work. (Wikipedia 2016)
...The unacknowledged use of other people's ideas or work. Plagiarism is often unintentional and can be avoided through careful work habits. Whether intentional or unintentional, plagiarism is recognized as a serious academic offence. (SFU 2016)
Cite your sources!
Do not
cut and paste!
What if it
was your
Your Guide to Success
A pathfinder is a list of resources used as a starting point when gathering information on a particular topic or subject. You can use these pathfinders to easily connect to online resources.
Library Forms
Library Forms
Library Forms and Graphic Organizers that will help you stay organized for your next assignment!
Cite Sources
Citing Your Sources
Websites and resources to help you create MLA Citaions
Not quite sure how to properly credit the sources used in your research paper?
These online citation makers will guide you step-by-step through creating a Works Cited/Reference page.
Then double-check its accuracy against the examples shown on the Purdue Owl site below.
All Departments at WGSS follow either the Modern Languages Association (MLA) Citation Method or American Pschyological Association (APA) Citation Method
WGSS MLA 8 Reference Collection Form