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Circular Library

Library Programs

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  • Level 1 - (Destiny app use, subject searching, collections, Library website awareness/membership/resources)

  • Level 2 – (Sora app, requesting books for library, Library website membership/forum/resources)


Level 1 – (30 - 45 minutes)

Destiny App Use

  • How to download and install the app

  • How to use the app to reserve (Holds) on books

  • How to search via Genre

  • How to PowerSearch for a topic beyond local book collection (collections, websites, databases)

  • How to review Checkouts, Checkout History, Holds, Favorites, and Fines

  • What are Collections, how to access them, how to create them, how to access Collections beyond our school


Level 2 – (45 minutes)

Sora App Use

  • Explain what Sora is

  • How to download and install the app

  • How to search and sign out audio or ebooks

  • Demonstrate SORA features (Collections, Preferences, Awards and Literacy Trackers

FVRL Libby App/FVRL Overdrive

  • How to register for FVRL membership

  • Access to books (fiction/non-fiction)

  • Access to online resources (databases, etc.)

  • Access to ebooks, audiobooks



Google and Beyond

  • Level 1 (How Google Search Works, Scholar, Advanced Search, Evaluating Online Sources)

  • Level 2 (Beyond Google – Sweet Search, CC)

Level 1 – (60 minutes)

How Google Search Works, Scholar, Advanced Search, Evaluating Online Sources


Level 2 – (45 minutes)

Beyond Google – Sweet Search, CC


Authority Sources

  • Level 1 – (General Search, Keywords, Linking Articles, Finding Images, Accessing Citation)

  • Level 2 – (Keyword Search/Advanced Search, Topic Finder, Accessing Citation)

  • Level 3 – (Citation APA/MLA, In-text Citation, Bibliography versus Works Cited versus References, Footnotes/Endnotes – Chicago,


Level 1 – (30 minutes)


  • How to select the right encyclopedia database (World Book Student)

  • How to conduct a general search on a topic

  • How to use additional words/phrases for advanced searching

  • Using the “linked articles” in World Book

  • Accessing additional images and reference materials with an article

  • Finding and organizing article citation

  • Using Wikipedia as a “start search” – reference list, images, linked sources


Level 2 – (30 minutes)

Gale Databases

  • Keyword Search/Advanced search

  • Topic Finder

  • Adding notes

  • Citation


Level 3 – (30 minutes)




Inquiry Research/PBL Projects


Option 1 – Inquiry

Power Searching

Level 1 (3o minutes)

  • Keyword search/Extraction

Designing Questions

Level 1 – (30 minutes)

  • Critical topic component extraction

Level 2 – (45 minutes)


Option 2 – Project-Based Learning (PBL) and Problem-Based Learning



















Seven Standards of PBL

  • A Challenging Problem or Question - The project is framed by a meaningful problem to be solved or a question to answer, at the appropriate level of challenge

  • Sustain Inquiry - Students engage in a rigorous, extended process of posing questions, finding resources, and applying information.

  • Authenticity - The project involves real-world context, tasks and tools, quality standards, or impact, or the project speaks to personal concerns, interests, and issues in the students’ lives.

  • Student Voice and Coice - Students make some decisions about the project, including how they work and what they create, and express their own ideas in their own voice.

  • Reflection - Students and teachers reflect on the learning, the effectiveness of their inquiry and project activities, the quality of student work, and obstacles that arise and strategies for overcoming them.

  • Critique and Revision - Students give, receive, and apply feedback to improve their process and products.

  • Public Product - Students make their project work public by sharing it with and explaining or presenting it to people beyond the classroom.

  • PBL (


Project-Based Learning – (120 minutes)

Step A - (30 minutes)

  • Framing a Challenging question, developing sustained inquiry

Step B - (30 minutes)

  • Appreciating authenticity and valuing/developing student voice and choice

Step C - (30 minutes)

  • Reflecting, Critiquing, and Revison - accepting critical critiquing and developing skills for redoing work with purpose and meaning


Step D - (30 minutes)

  • A public presentation - developing the tools for effective presentation











Probelem-Based Learning Model

  • Develop Problem

  • Activate Existing Knowledge

  • Identify Required Knowledge

  • Research

  • Assess

  • Share Solution

  • Reflect & Compare

  • Critcally Analyse

Problem-Based Learning - (120 minutes)

Step A - (30 minutes)

  • Developing a Problem and activating existing knowledge; problem design created by teacher or class - brainstorming and organizaing existing collective of information

Step B - (30 minutes)

  • Identifying Required Knowledge and Researching for additonaly information for probelm identification and potetnial problem-solving

Step C - (30 minutes)

Assess and Share - 

Step D - (30 minutes)

Reflect & Compare and Critcally Analyse - 


Formal Writing

Level 1 – (45 minutes)

               - Topic Sentence/Supporting Evidence/Explanation/Quotes/Concluding Sentence

               - Transition words




















Level 2 – (45 minutes)

Critical Writing

  • Different Essay Types

    • Argumentative

    • Expository

    • Narrative

    • Descriptive​


Word Processing - Word

Level 1 – (30 minutes)

  • basic document use – menu/ribbon, text formatting, pictures

Level 2 – (30 minutes)

  • template use/design


Visual Aids - PowerPoint

Level 1 – (45 minutes)

  • basic presentation – format, pictures, video, sound, animation, designer

Level 2 – (30 minutes)

  • Dos and Don’ts – rule of thirds


Graphic Elements - Canva

Level 1 – (30 minutes)

  • Posters Design, Infographics, PowerPoint

Level 2 – (30 minutes)

  • Social Media, Logos, Video


Interactive Graphics - Genially

Level 1 – (30 minutes)

  • Creating a basic interactive presentation

Level 2 – (30 minutes)




Level 1 – (45 minutes)

  • interview scripting, Audacity editing – music, cutting files, special effects

Level 2 – (30 minutes)

  • publishing podcasts, notes, logo, RSS




Level 1 – (30 minutes)

  • drawing, foam building, painting, flocking

Level 2 – (30 minutes)


Level 1 – (30 minutes)

  • Floorplanner

Level 2 – (45 minutes)

Level 3 – (45 minutes)

  • Personal/Business Branding—Creation-Promotion – websites, social media campaigns


Level 1 - (45 minutes)

  • Authorship - Graphic Novels (Comic life)

Level 2 - (45 minutes)

  • Authorship/Editor/Self-Publish (Newsletter - Substack, Medium)

Literacy Programs


Library Leadership

Level 1 – (one semester)

  • Intro to 21st Century Library,

  • General Library Duties

  • Major Project

Level 2 – (year-long)

  • Library Mentorship

  • Program design/collection building

  • Council Leadership


Library Literacy

Level 1 – (Grade-Centric)

  • Grade 8 Library Orientation – intro to library, apps, services, reading for pleasure, club sign-up

  • Grade 9 Library Orientation – power searching, podcasting,

Level 2 – (School-wide)

  • Reading for Pleasure – Library Points – book check-out rewards, merchandise reward

  • Quick Reads – low-high – ELL, Resource literacy skill-building

  • Diversity as Literacy – identifying author/content cultures

Level 3 - (Multimodal)

  • Digital

  • Media

  • Critical


Level 3 – (Other Resources)

  • Ordering with Departments – offer sessions to order books together

  • Librarian House Calls – research, production, presentation

  • Events – jazz café, one-act plays, movie lunches

  • Clubs – creative writing, gaming, literary alliance, etc.


Media Literacy


               - Reading media: How different media and genres tell stories and communicate meaning, such as                             camera angles and editing in film, panel composition and transitions in comics and user interface                             and hyperlinks in online media

               - Media respresentation: How media represent  reality  and how different  audiences respond to those                    representations, covering topics such as stereotyping, how media shape our views of the world and                         ourselves and how we represent ourselves on social media.

               - Media Health: How both using and consuming media can affect our physical and mental health.

               - Community Engagement: Knowing our rights as citizens and consumers and how we can influence                        positive social norms in online spaces  and  to  speak  out  as active, engaged citizens.

               - Consumer Awareness: The commercial aspects of the media we use and consume, including how to                      navigate the corporate spaces in which we interact online and how advertising messages manipulate                      us.

               - Making and remixing: How to make media and use existing content for our own purposes in ways                         that respect legal and ethical considerations.

               - Finding and verifying: How to effectively search the internet for information we need for personal                         and school purposes and then evaluate, authenticate and critique sources and information.

               - Ethics and empathy: Managing our interactions with other people through digital media and how to                     make ethical decisions when dealing with issues such as cyberbullying, sharing other people's                                   content and accessing music and video.

               - Privacy and security: Managing our privacy, reputation and security online by making good decisions                   about what  we share; understanding  data collection and making active choices about it; protecting                         ourselves from malware and other software threats and being aware of our digital footprint.



              - Access

              - Ability

              - Manage

              - Understand

              - Intergrate

              - Communicate

              - Evaluate

              - Create

              - Navigate

Problem-Based Learning




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WGSS Website

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:00 pm - Including Lunches

Walnut Grove Secondary School

8919 Walnut Grove Drive

Langley, B.C. V1M 2N7

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School Floor Map


Mr. C. Janzen,
Teacher Librarian

(604) 882-0220 Local 249


Ms. Mary  Ekici

(604) 882-0220 Local 250


Site Visit Counter

Launched May 11th, 2016

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© 2023 by WGSS Libr@ry 

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